Wednesday, October 22, 2014

What Putting in That Work Can Do

It has been a while since I have checked in with you guys about my healthy journey. So I am giving you all the deets today in my progress.

So in August my sister who owns a fitness company (Trophy Wife Fitness... check her out) told me about a weight loss group she and her friends are doing. It is basically an accountability group. Every month we state our goals and at the end of the month we state our progress at that point. In between we give each other tips and what not to help each other along our journeys. So the starting date was August 10 and for some reason this was just the push I needed.

I started using MyFitnessPal (phone app) again and put myself on a strict regimen. I have been on my weight loss journey for years so I know what works best for me. I put myself on a 1200 cal clean food diet and do a minimum of 1 hour of exercise. My life can be so hectic that getting that hour in can be tough but I make sure I do it even if I have to wait until 9pm. I also have started to work out on my lunch breaks and add to my hour if I have extra time.

As far as eating, it is mainly lean meats and vegetables and I drink a gallon of water a day. I am on a low to no carb plan including limiting my fruit intake. I have never been a big fruit person so it doesn't bother me at all. Eating clean can be boring but I constantly look for recipes to keeps things fresh. I do occasionally give myself a treat but that is very few and far between. For exercise I mainly do Zumba and Tae Bo. On my lunch break I walk the neighborhood by my job. I usually end up doing little over 2 miles during that time.

As of our last weight in on 10/10 I am down 27 pounds and boy do I see the difference. Last week was a little rough and I fell off a bit but I got back on track this past Monday. Check out my progress pic below......

How is your journey going????

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